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Pelvic Reduction Forceps Length-400mm, with Pointed Ball Tips, Speed Lock..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, Small, for Screws Length-200mm, use with 3.5 and 4.5mm Cortical Screws ..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, Medium, for Screws Length-250mm, use with 3.5 and 4.5mm Cortical Screws..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, Large, for Screws Length-330mm, Speed Lock, Fixation with 4.5 mm Cortical Screws ..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, with Angled Pointed Ball TipsLength-250mm, Speed Lock..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, Long, with Pointed Ball TipsLength-400mm, Speed Lock ..
Pelvic Reduction Forceps, Long, with Three Pointed Ball TipsLength-400 mm, Speed Lock..
Lane Bone Holding Forceps With Ratchet..
Lane Bone Holding Forceps Without Ratchet..